$(window).load(function() { //start after HTML, images have loaded var InfiniteRotator = { init: function() { //initial fade-in time (in milliseconds) var initialFadeIn = 1000; //interval between items (in milliseconds) var itemInterval = 5000; //cross-fade time (in milliseconds) var fadeTime = 2500; //count number of items var numberOfItems = $('.rotating-item').length; //set current item var currentItem = 0; //show first item $('.rotating-item').eq(currentItem).fadeIn(initialFadeIn); //loop through the items var infiniteLoop = setInterval(function(){ $('.rotating-item').eq(currentItem).fadeOut(fadeTime); if(currentItem == numberOfItems -1){ currentItem = 0; }else{ currentItem++; } $('.rotating-item').eq(currentItem).fadeIn(fadeTime); }, itemInterval); } }; InfiniteRotator.init(); });